Monday, June 17, 2024

Once more try


They say time flies. 

When I was little, I never paid attention to that phrase, nor did it really matter much to me.

But I'm beginning to understand what they meant.

(I'm sure unsure of who this *they* is though...)

Many things have happened in my life since my last post, and looking back at all God has done, all the blessings, trials, and countless other things that have happened in my life is honestly astounding.


Writing, the main reason for my starting this blog in the first place, has kind of been put on the back burner, as they say, for the past three years or so.

I have done a little writing here and there, but not much, and I definitely haven't written any new books lately.

My current project of releasing a 2nd edition of Trouble in Scotland is nearing completion, which is exciting! Keep an eye out for more information as that time nears.


Changes in life can simultaneously be the best and worst things one can go through.

But all in all, I'd say God has been so, so incredibly good.

Life is busy, but thanks be to my Heavenly Father, life is good.

I think that's all for this post, but I hope to return soon for more posts!

Soli Deo Gloria!



  1. Very nice, very nice, welcome back Megs, see, you can blog 😌😌😌


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