Thursday, February 14, 2019

Ebook Release + My Favourite Fictional Couples

Greetings, reader!
Happy day of giving flowers, chocolate, and other such gifts! (aka, Valentine's Day...)
Since this is the yearly day of all things romantic, I figured, why not do a post of my favorite fictional couples?
But first, I am pleased to announce that my short book, The Strange Case of Willoughby Spalding, is now released to the public as an ebook/Kindle! 
You can find it on Amazon.
If you end up getting it, I would be chuffed, (very pleased), if you would leave a review on Amazon, or Goodreads! 

And now, without further ado, here is a short list of my favorite couples in the fictional world:

#1. Nick & Nora Charles

Nicky and Nora are by far my top favorite fictional couple of all time. From the movie series, The Thin Man.
They solve crimes and mysteries together all while teasing each other, calling each other endearing names, (He's always calling her "darling", "sugar", etc.), and she is always joking about his job as detective, and he, her abundance of money. (which Nicky is always joking was the only reason he married her.)
They are just the coolest couple, and I love them to pieces.
William Powell and Myrna Loy, the actor and actress who portray this wonderful couple, are the absolute perfect casting for these two.
I read that they teased and joked with each other just as much off set, as they did in the films.
And look at them! Aren't they just a gorgeous couple?
I wish people nowadays were as dapper and fashionable as the folks in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's...

#2. Charles & Nicola Buchanan

Charlie and Nicola, a husband and wife team that work as a crime scene clean-up crew, who inevitably solve the crimes before the police. From the Australian show, Mr. and Mrs. Murder.
These two are adorable. And downright hilarious at times. They are still seemingly infatuated with each other, even after 10 years of married life.

#3. George & Mary Bailey

"George Bailey, I'll love you 'til the day I die."
George is going through a whole lot in his life, and his darling wife Mary loves and supports him, no matter what. They are a sweet couple, played by a really great acting duo. <3
From It's a Wonderful Life.

#4. Tony Kirby & Alice Sycamore

From the wonderful old movie, You Can't Take it With You.
Tony, a rich banker's son, is in love with Alice, his pretty secretary. And she is in love with him. Her family loves him, but his, despise her. His parents are rich, hers are poor.
These two are adorable. I'd say more, but I don't want to ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it.

#5. Jack Hudson & Sue Thomas

From the TV show, Sue Thomas FBI  Eye.
Now, Sue Thomas is, of course a real (super cool) person. But this is a more fictionalized version of her life as a Deaf FBI agent.
But Sue and Jack are just darling. They obviously like each other a whole lot as you watch them throughout the show.
*highlight for spoiler* By the end of the series, they never did confess their love for each other, and remain just friends. *cries* *spoiler ended*
I think they're just perfect for each other.
When Sue first joins the FBI, and Jack realizes that she is Deaf, he goes out and learns basic Sign Language so he can talk to her.
When the team talks about the strategies, Jack always makes sure to turn and face her so she can read his lips and understand what is going on. <3

Alright then, I shall stop boring you with my ravings about adorable TV couples... xD
Hope you have a great Thursday! 

~ Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? ~
~ Who is your favorite fictional couple? ~
~ Are you familiar with any of these I've mentioned? ~

God bless! 



  1. Congrats on the book release!!
    They all sound like lovely couples! I haven't seen any of the movies. I love all the old stuff!
    Let's see a favourite couple that I can think of is Albert and Julie from the movie Millon Dollar Duck.

    1. Thank you!
      Aww yes! I completely forgot about those two...Love the Million Dollar Duck!


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