Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Meet the Characters - Pronunciation Guide

I was thinking it would be a good idea if I provided a little pronunciation guide on my Scottish character names in my book, Trouble in Scotland.
A few folks I know have commented on how they aren't sure about the way to say some of the characters' names, so here is a list of the names, and how I pronounce them.
(my personal pronunciation may be different from the official original ones, but...I get to call them whatever I please, because I wrote them, eh?) ;-)
So here they are:

- Artair - Are-TARE

- Mairghread - MARG-red
(Nickname; MARG)

- Teagan - TEE-gan

- Gavina - Ga-VEE-na

- Fiona - Fee-OH-na

- Fenella - Fin-ELL-ah

- Mairi - MA-ree

- Alexander - Al-ig-ZAN-der

- Riley - RY-lee

And there we have it!
I hope that helped if any of you were unsure of how to pronounce any of my characters' names. :-)

- How is your summer going?
- There are lots of wildfires around my town; is it smoky where you live too?

God bless!



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