Saturday, March 16, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Greetings, dear reader.
A very happy St. Patrick's day to you!
This is one of my favorite Holidays.

How familiar are you with the story of St. Patrick?
I'll start off with some fun facts!

1. St. Patrick wasn't Irish; he was born in either Scotland, or Wales.
2. His real name was Maewyn Succat, changed to Patrick after becoming a priest.
3. St. Patrick didn't even wear green, but wore "Saint Patrick's blue"!

Check this out to learn about this saint and the holiday that celebrates him: 

They say, "Everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's day".
Now, having Irish heritage in my blood, I do love to celebrate this holiday by wearing a bit o' Irish green, and this year, I shall add a bit of St. Patrick Blue too!

I like to listen to as much Irish music as I can, since it's not only one of my favorite genres of music, but it adds to the feel of Irish on the holiday!
Some of my favorite groups are: Celtic Thunder, Celtic Woman, and High Kings.
And my favorite Irish tenor: Emmet Cahill.
He not only sings the lovely Irish classics like Danny Boy, or When Irish Eyes are Smiling, he also sings beautiful renditions of hymns like; Be Thou My Vision and How Great Thou Art.

Have you tried Irish Soda bread? It's super simple to make, and delicious too! Of course, I like mine with raisins, (which aren't used traditionally), but this is a tasty recipe I like to use:


Some delicious Irish foods include Shepherd's Pie, (fun fact: it's only considered "Shepherd's" if it contains sheep meat. Otherwise, it is called "Cottage Pie"!), Corned Beef, and of course, a hearty Irish Stew!

I think that's it for this post!
So what are some things you enjoy doing (or eating!) for St. Patrick's Day?

Thanks for reading!
I shall leave off with a lovely, (and my personal favourite) Irish Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Until next time,

God bless!



  1. Ah, some interesting stuff!
    Didn't do much for St. Patrick's day, but I did wear green, without even thinking it was St. Patrick's day, I just like wearing green :).


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