Friday, March 8, 2019

Another Announcement!

Spring is nearing, yet the snow continues to fall...
But putting aside the dreary thoughts of prolonged cold winter weather, I have some exciting news!
Remember the Cover Giveaway I mentioned last week?
Well I was shocked and delighted to find out that I had won!

The clever and talented miss Bethany C Willcock designed me a gorgeous cover for my just-published book, The Strange Case of Willoughby Spalding!
Instead of using my not-so-great-quality, hand painted cover, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be updating my cover to be this beautiful one!

Isn't it gorgeous?

Along with the cover, Bethany is working on making me three delightful promotional graphics for the book!

I hope to have my book published as a paperback by next month as well, if all goes well in the printing department. ;)

I plan to return next week with a lovely St. Patrick's Day themed post!

Until then,

God bless!



  1. Oh, the cover looks really nice! So cool that you won!
    Spring is very slow in coming my way too!

    1. Thank you!
      Yep...but it'll be here, nevertheless. ;D

  2. Congrats--this cover looks really awesome!

    Right now, in my Photoshop class, we're making book covers too. Mine's coming along slowly but surely. XD

    1. Thank you! I'm really pleased with it. :D

      Ooo, that sounds cool. Good luck with your book cover!

      Thanks for commenting!


The Sunshine Award Tag