Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Trouble Abrewin'

I suppose I will start off with a lame excuse for not posting in nearly a month...
I've been quite busy, and have honestly had zero inspiration for a blog post.
But now I have some inspiration, so here I am!


I have been busy with the annual Camp NaNo!
So far, I have written 8,598 words out of my 15,000 word goal for the month of April.
It's fantastic to be out of a few-months-long writing slump.
The book I'm currently slaving away working on is the second installment in my Time Traveler series. It's already twice the length of my first book.
I hope to have it finished before long, roll it through the editing phase, and have it published by Fall, 2020. But...who knows. ;)

A Book Birthday:

And now...to announce the anniversary of the publication of my first book, Trouble in Scotland! The date of publication is drawing near, (April 14th) and I wanted to have a celebration of sorts!

What better way to do that, then host my very-first giveaway?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So! The giveaway starts on the 10th, and ends the 14th.
Once the winner has been chosen by the random winner selector, I will contact aforementioned winner and get their address so I can send them a freshly printed, signed paperback of my book.

Be sure to tell as many of your friends as you can, because to make it more fair, I'd like to have at least 5 entrants for this giveaway.

Thanks for reading, and good luck!

God bless,



  1. Uhhh...neither dragons nor unicorns? XD I'd probably go for unicorns though...

  2. Dragons, unless I owned the unicorn

  3. That is great your out of a writing slump. I have not been writing much... Oh sounds fun!


  4. That's a hard one...Both sound pretty cool! But being the horse crazy person that I am, I'd have to pick a Unicorn.��


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