Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Writing Wednesdays #006

This blog post is coming to you from the beautiful state of Kentucky!
We've visited the Creation Museum three times so far, and the Ark, also thrice since arriving! Both places are so amazing. I highly recommend that if you're ever in the area, definetly visit these places!
Ok, so onto the prompts.

Since I didn't get to post last week, you get extra this time. ;-)

~ Which did you like the best? ~
~ How's your autumn going so far? ~

Hope you enjoyed the post!

God bless!



  1. I'm totally going to use number 3. And I love number 5. Autumn is ok here just got a lot warmer here so that is nice.

    1. Haha! Let me know how no. 3 works out for ya. ;-)

  2. Haha! Love all of these! But I think #4 is my favorite.
    So glad you're having a good time!!
    Can't wait to come see everything!


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