Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Meet the Characters - Josh Peterson

Hello! Time for part 2 of the intros! (See Amy's interview here)
Without further ado, I'll turn this post over to...

*picture not mine*

Hiya! I'm Josh. My full name is Joshua Lane Peterson, but nobody calls me that. Just about everybody calls me Josh.
I'm 16 years old, like Amy. And just to clarify, we are only friends. None of that boyfriend girlfriend stuff. (Don't let her know I told ya this...but she's got a whopper of a crush on her karate teacher's son...)
My one love....is pizza. Not always just eating it, of course. But baking! I want to own a pizza place when I get out of culinary college. (Once I actually start college that is...)
Anywho...Ok! I'll get to answering these questions.

~What Can't You Live Without?~
Oxygen, water, and food.

~If 10 Is Completely Organized And 1 Is Completely Messy, Where Do You Fall On The Scale?~
Pff! 1-10 scale? Really? If you asked my parents...I would fall somewhere around...-5.
Haha. Not really...I'm afraid I'm not the best organized guy out there...but I'm probably a 2ish.

~What Are Your Hobbies?~
I play the accordion. Polkas are my specialty. (Much to the dismay of my great aunt, apparently...)
I stay with her during the summer break, you see. And I always bring my accordion with me. She complains that it's too loud, so I have to play it in my room only. I didn't realize how thin the walls were until my parents and I were staying for the week of Christmas last year, and I had a Christmas accordion concert at 2am, 'cause I couldn't sleep and was bored...I was banned from playing for the rest of my stay...

~What Frustrates You About The World You Live In?~
That people are sad. It hurts me to see my friends look worried. I wish I could make everyone happy, and not sad anymore.
It frustrates me that I am unable to fix every problem bothering my friends.

~How Would You Dress For A Night Out? How Would You Dress For A Night In?~
Bahaha! A night out? Well...I'd wear a button up white shirt, a grey vest and matching trousers. They're not my favorite, but I will wear them if the occasion insists...and only by penalty of death would I wear a tie. They are evil, trust me. I nearly died putting one on once...
For a night in, I'd wear what ever. Prob-ly what I always wear; tee shirt, and whatever blue jeans I can find.

~How Many Shoes Do You Own, And What Kind?~
I agree with Amy's comment. What do shoes matter?!
Megs, you're weird... haha!
Anyway...oh, I probably have four shoes. Pairs, I mean. Tennis shoes, sneakers, leather wingtip shoes for going to fancy stuff, and...some other pair of running shoes or something.

~Do You Have Any Pets? What Pet Do You WISH You Had?~
Pets! I don't have any pets.
I want a dog, a chameleon, an elephant, a cat, a shark, and a falcon. *nods*
Oh yeah! I DO have a pet, I almost forgot!

I have a big Red Macaw! His name is Fred. And he can talk too. He's real smart. I've trained him to say; "Help, I've been turned into a parrot." It's hilarious to see people's reactions when he randomly screams that... 

~What's Usually In Your Fridge Or Pantry?~
My parents have lots of different things in our fridge. Mom wants all vegetarian stuff. Dad wants meat. I don't care, as long as it tastes good. But I'd happily eat pizza and root beer any day.

~Is There Something Or Someone You Resent? Why And What?~
Hmm...gettin' deep here, ay?
Let's see. Um...nope. I'm good!
Except maybe that karate teacher's son... I don't see what Amy sees in him...

Cool. That was fun.
Who's answers did ya like better? (Mine, of course, right? Mine are totally cooler than Aim's.)
Well! I'd better get ready to start my shift at John's Pizza Place.
Later peeps!

Heh...thanks for answering the questions, Josh. Very interesting...
Hope you enjoyed reading, dear reader.
Come back next week for an introduction of Ivy Rochester, my third main character!
Feel free to leave a comment, and let me know what you think about my characters' intros! :-)

God bless!



  1. I like! But to keep the peace, I'll go with I liked both equally. ;)


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