Monday, September 9, 2024

New Platform

 Hello blogspot friends!

I have decided to go a different route for my blog platform, and have moved to Tumblr.

This blog will still be up, but no longer updated.

If you still want to follow my posts, my new blog address is:

Hope to actually keep a fairly regular posting schedule, but we shall see what happens, haha.

See you later!


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Only Trust Him

    Come every soul, by sin oppressed, there's mercy with the Lord.

    And He will surely give you rest by trusting in His Word.

    Only trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him now,

    He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now.


Only trust Him. Trust Him only.

Why is it so hard to trust?

Is it because I can't see what's ahead?

That's where faith comes in.

The two go hand-in-hand.

I have my faith in Him alone, so the obvious next step in that, is to trust Him with my life.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


Do you ever get up in the morning, and discover that you have so much that you want and need to do, that you can't figure out what to do, and end up doing nothing at all but waste time scrolling on your phone or staring out into nothing?

Cause same.

I'm realizing that discipline is something I have a terrible need to work on.

Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the many possibilities and opportunities that present themselves each day, I need to figure out a way to list the things I want and need to do, and find a way to actually do them.

Lists are something I love, but I can't seem to figure out what to list on a list, when I want to.

Other times if I do know exactly what I want to do, either I'm so tired I can't find the energy to actually do it, or something comes up and distracts me and I end up not having the time.

Welcome to how my brain works.

It's messy, it's loud. But by God's grace I'm surviving this crazy world.

I've never really been good at communicating my thoughts, but right now the words seem to be able to flow as I type. I guess I'll take advantage of it while I'm here.

This post might not even get published here, but if nothing else, I'll have something to look back on someday and hopefully I'll have a reminder that:

1. You don't have to do everything.
That's a great way to get burned out and not be able to do anything. It's not worth it to stress over all the things that you aren't able to do in a day.
To quote a paraphrase, "Don't worry 'bout nothin. Let it go, see what tomorrow brings. Don't worry 'bout nothin, pray about everything." - Luke Bryan, referencing Philippians 4:6-7 

2. Waiting on God's timing is the best way. 
Is it long sometimes? Yes. Do I wish I could just get a whole timeline list of my next life steps? Yes. Do I worry and fret and forget that God is truly in control, and that His will is the best, and mine isn't? Also yes. (check out Psalm 37:7)

Waiting on Him is a lesson I learn, then forget, and have to relearn, but I can honestly say it's been a blessing in my life, looking back, though as I'm going through rough patches they don't seem so great.

Like it says in Romans 8:18,  "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us"

3. Just trust Him.
This one's pretty self explanatory.

Ok...So there's a ramble-y post for today.

If you made it this far...have a cookie.

You deserve one.

Until next time,


New Platform